VETERANS HOMEBUYERS NETWORK Call Us at (917) 960-4260 When You Are Ready To Purchase A Home (917) 960-4260
Veterans Homebuyers Network » Workshops


Interact with our experts and clear all your doubts about the home buying process. We organize regular workshops to help you make an informed decision.

Check out our and website for regular updates.

Educational Workshops

Opening the door to homeownership for Military Veterans.

Home loan
VA Home Loans

Learn how to use your VA home loan effectively with our popular VA home loan workshops. From interest rates to loan amounts, we cover everything you need to know in this workshop.


Credit Restoration

Turn your credit around and meet the VA Home Loan Guidelines for credit. Attend our credit restoration workshop and learn to repair a bad credit score.

Refinancing Your Mortgage
Refinancing your home can be tricky. Attend the Refinancing Your Mortgage Workshop to learn more about the different types of refinancing and when to do it from our team of experts.
Cheerful young couple looking in the same direction in front of a cozy residential property

Selling Your House — Sell to a Veteran Program

Equip yourself with the knowledge to help a fellow veteran by attending our Selling Your Home workshop where we will discuss everything about the Real Estate sale process, from beginning to end.

Covered Topics

Roles of the Mortgage Lender

VA Loan Eligibility

Your Credit

VA Purchase Power



Roles of the Real Estate Agent

Searching for Properties




Our monthly workshops cover many different topics to help Veterans use all the resources the VA offers. The live sessions are designed to provide information and answer questions. It is the introduction to working together.

Beginners Series

The Pre-Approval process – your Credit / Debts
The Pre-Approval process – Assets & Closing costs
The Pre Approval process – the property you are buying
Looking for properties & working with Realtors

Advanced Series

How to know if your loan officer is any good
How to fix credit problems
How to get your offer accepted
How to have a stress-free home buying process

Our Facebook Live Workshops

About home loans

Stop paying rent and start owning now. During our workshops, industry professionals create a safe space for Veterans and Military personnel to ask questions and receive help in achieving their dreams of homeownership using their VA benefits.

We offer several live workshops to our Private VA Veteran Facebook Group every week. A Beginner Series containing 8 or 9 modules where we will teach you the basics of homeownership and the VA Home Ownership Benefit, and an Advanced Series where we go more in-depth with topics on Credit Restoration, Multi-Family Homes, How to Create Wealth Using Real Estate, and more!

If you are serious about becoming a homeowner and want to use your VA Home Benefits, there is no better place to start than with The Veteran Homebuyers Network.


How To Use Your VA Home Loan Benefits When Self-Employed

How To Use Your VA Home Loan Benefits When Self-Employed

If you are a Veteran looking to use your VA Home Loan benefits to become a Homeowner and are self-employed you may think that just because your business is growing & the monies are coming in that you will have no problem being approved for a VA Home Loan. You may...

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Getting Pre-Approved & Evaluated For A VA Loan

Getting Pre-Approved & Evaluated For A VA Loan

It is the first step you must take in using your VA Home Loan Benefits to become a Homeowner. In all my years if dealing with Veterans looking to become a Homeowner, I cannot tell you how many Veterans are approaching the process incorrectly. The first thing you need...

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Your Credit and the VA Home Loan Program

Your Credit and the VA Home Loan Program

As a qualifying Veteran you have a rare and excellent opportunity to use your VA Home Loan Benefits to become a homeowner. However, there are certain credit guidelines that must be met. When looking at your credit report the first thing that jumps out is the credit...

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Join A Workshop Today

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Get In Touch

Ready to use your VA Benefits?

Talk To Us today at 917-960-4260.

Join Our Private, Veterans Only Facebook Group to Learn More


(917) 960-4260

Hours Of Operation

7 days a week - 8 AM - 8 PM EST
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